Mammography Is Important For All Relatives Of Breast Cancer Victims

Breast cancer is a killer. It is a horrible disease that has taken far too many lives. If you have a loved one in your family who has battled against this nefarious foe, then you need to take advantage of the mammography technology that is available to you.

Even if your relative was able to defeat the cancer, you need to know that just sharing blood puts you at risk of fighting that same battle. Even if you are younger than the suggested 40 years of age, you need to start getting regular mammograms now because the BRCA gene mutation is hereditary, early detection is key to survival, statistics are on the side of those who take this step, and it is fairly easy to complete.

The BRCA Gene Mutation Is Hereditary

The BRCA gene mutation is something that has been found to cause cancerous growths such as breast cancer and cervical cancer. The name for the abnormality comes from the first letters of BReast CAncer. If you have a relative who has suffered through breast cancer, then there is a good chance that they carry the BRCA gene issue.

At times, this genetic abnormality can pop up out of nowhere, but in many cases, it is hereditary. Sharing blood with a cancer victim puts you at much higher risk of getting cancer, so regular mammograms will be important for you despite your age or level of overall health.

Early Detection Is Key to Survival

There are a lot of different ways to treat breast cancer, but all oncologists will agree that early detection is key to really getting on top of the situation. has listed some fascinating statistics, among which is the fact that while breast cancer cases are on the rise, breast cancer deaths are decreasing every year. This is being credited to better mammography technology and cancer screening procedures.

Statistics Favor Mammography

Being related to someone who has had breast cancer puts you at automatic risk of taking the same unenviable journey. Medline Plus explains that while mammograms are anything but comfortable, they are very effective. Women who get regular mammograms are at a much lower risk of dying from this horrible disease, and that is a statistic that you will want to take advantage of.

They Are Easy to Complete

Many women have stated that they do not utilize the mammography in their area because they lack the time and money to do so. The truth is that a regular mammogram takes less than half an hour to complete, and every form of insurance will cover the test.

Many clinics will even offer free mammograms with no claims to your insurance at all. Doctors are eager to use their mammography equipment to keep people like you safe and healthy. Visit a clinic like Women's Care Inc for a mammogram today.
