About Undergoing Laser Skin Resurfacing For Acne Scars

Have you failed at figuring out how to get rid of the embarrassing acne scars on your face? Going through a procedure called laser skin resurfacing may be the solution to your acne scar problem, which can be performed by a dermatologist, like the ones at Billings Clinic. Discover below if getting rid of your acne scars by undergoing the laser skin resurfacing procedure is something that you want to invest in.

Is Laser Skin Resurfacing Good for Everyone with Acne Scars?

You should only opt for laser skin resurfacing after a dermatologist has determined that you are the right candidate for it. He or she will have to examine your face to see if there is any acne still on it. You are not a good candidate for laser skin resurfacing if there is acne present. However, the dermatologist can get rid of the active acne and then proceed with treating the scars. Laser skin resurfacing can also lead to hyperpigmentation (the darkening of skin), so a person with a lot of melanin may not be the best candidate.

How is Laser Skin Resurfacing Performed for Good Candidates?

Laser skin resurfacing is a good option for acne scar removal if you are a good candidate because it can target precise areas. By the laser only being focused on the areas of skin with scars, the results of the procedure will be better. Basically, the laser removes the damaged layer of skin from your face. The laser is also able to increase the amount of collagen in the layer of skin under the damaged layer by heating it up. An increase in collagen is important because it will make the treated skin look a lot smoother.

Are There Any Side Effects After Laser Skin Resurfacing is Performed?

One of the side effects of laser skin resurfacing is that your skin will remain red for quite some time after the procedure is over. You may also develop a bacterial infection after the procedure. However, the dermatologist will prescribe antibiotics to fight infections before they develop. Your face may look swollen for a short time after the procedure. Another side effect is the possibility of scars developing where the top layer of your skin is removed, but the dermatologist will prescribe an ointment to prevent it from happening.

You don't have to continue being embarrassed of acne scars. Contact a dermatologist as soon as you can to find out if laser skin resurfacing is right for you!
