Your Wife's Inability to Become Pregnant Might Be Caused by Male Infertility

If pregnancy for your wife is not possible because the degree of her infertility is so great, then reliable laboratory infertile dish treatment can be introduced after documentation proves that she is infertile. Be aware, though, that when your sperm is not flowing during coitus, no fertilization of the female egg will ever occur. Although you may show no obvious symptoms of male infertility, the fact that your wife is unable to become pregnant could really be due to a male infertility problem.

No Obvious Symptoms

Obvious symptoms of male infertility are not usually recognizable. So if you have spent a year trying to impregnate your wife who has regular menstrual periods, then you both can benefit from seeing your physicians. They will conduct tests that accurately determine what biologically is blocking successful pregnancy outcomes in your marriage. Even though you have no symptoms to go by, there are causes that foster male infertility.

Possible Causes of Male Infertility

You may be exhibiting abnormal hair growth, and you might not be agreeing with your wife's complaint about your low libido. You could also be experiencing hormonal deficiencies. Obesity is a risk factor for your infertility problem. Smoking and excessive alcoholic intake can negatively impact your fertility as well. If you're taking certain medications, they also could destroy your fertility. Over time, changes in your body's Y chromosome can also play a part in your infertility.

Y-Chromosome Changes Can Fuel Male Infertility

Your genetic makeup controls your sperm production. Scientists tapped into historical data that are millions of years old and documented changes to Y chromosomes in apes. The scientists are in one accord that Y chromosomes do not undergo changeover with its partner X chromosomes in humans. 

Instability in Y Chromosomes

Researchers attest that your Y chromosome is a most desirable chromosome for male fitness genes and in fact protects the X genes. However, researchers brand the Y genes as being unstable in structure, and that can create problems in future sperm production. In such a scenario, your Y chromosome begins to degenerate.

Generational Increase in Degeneration of Y Chromosomes

Degeneration of Y chromosomes are found to increase with each succeeding generation. Conclusive scientific findings suggest that the Y chromosome in males is not a structurally safe place for sperm-production genes. They brand human males' sperm as the worst sperm count of any mammalian species except the gorilla.

In summary, it appears that male infertility is an extraordinary but real dilemma. You are genetically programmed to have a sperm count that is declining. That's all the more reason why scientists promote the extraction of a few sperm from your testicles and placing them into eggs for fertilization in a laboratory when you have a zero or low sperm count. The eggs are placed into your wife's uterus, and this hopefully results in her becoming pregnant.

See a company such as Advanced Urology Associates for more information.
