Flu Season Is Here: 4 Reasons Every Senior Needs a Flu Shot

If you're a senior, you might think that you don't need a flu shot. Unfortunately, that's not true. In fact, as a senior, you're at an increased risk for flu-related complications. In fact, studies show that between 71 percent and 84 percent of flu-related deaths each year occur in people 65 and older. Even if you don't get out much, you still need your flu shot. Here are just four of the reasons why you need to say yes to the flu shot this year.

Flu Germs Are Everywhere

You might think that you're protected against the flu because you don't get out much, but flu germs are everywhere. You encounter illnesses on a daily basis. Whether the virus could come from from the mail carrier who sneezes on your mail or the grocery clerk who bags your groceries, you are at risk everywhere you go. Protect yourself by getting a flu shot.

It Won't Cost a Thing

Many seniors avoid flu shots because they don't think they can afford them. This is an important consideration, especially when you're on a tight budget. However, you can receive your flu shots for little or no money by contacting your local pharmacy or grocery store. Most pharmacies provide flu shots for their customers free of charge or for a reduced fee, depending on your insurance coverage and income. Don't jeopardize your health. Talk to your healthcare provider about free or low-cost flu shots.

It Can Reduce Your Risk of Heart Attack

If you're a senior, you're at an increased risk of suffering a heart attack. Luckily, receiving a flu shot can drastically reduce that risk. A recent study in the Journal of American Medicine found that people who received their influenza vaccinations were less likely to suffer from heart failure or require hospitalization for heart attack. Before you pass on your flu shot, talk to your doctor about your risk of heart attack. Your flu shot just might save your life.

You'll Protect Others

Flu shots don't just protect you. They protect those you come in contact with, including family members. This is particularly important if you have young grandchildren. The flu virus can be particularly dangerous for young children. In fact, the flu can contribute to death in young children as well as seniors.

Cold and flu season is just around the corner. Don't take chances with your health. Talk to a doctor, such as one at Rural Health Services Consortium Inc., about receiving a flu shot. It could save your life. 
