Coping With Incontinence

If you're a woman beginning to enter middle age, you may already be noticing new aches and pains that must be dealt with. You might also be starting to have problems with incontinence, which can seem like a minor problem at first, but could become more bothersome and serious as time passes. Because it feels embarrassing to mention it to your doctor, having solid information about it is vital if you want to stop the problem.

First: What Kind of Incontinence Do You Have?

You might not have ever known that there are multiple kinds of incontinence. That's important to know; the type you have could affect your actions and treatments. There is functional incontinence, when you literally cannot ambulate to a toilet in time. Stress incontinence is usually related to laughing, coughing and other sudden movements. Urge incontinence could be happening when you always "have to go". Overflow incontinence is another kind, sometimes caused by medicines.

After identifying the type you think you've got, taking action becomes simpler. If you imagine you're dealing with overflow incontinence because urine flow seems to be more than normal, for example, your doctor can examine a medication list to eliminate the possible trouble-maker.

Don't Wait

If you suspect overflow, stress or functional incontinence, it's likely to be aided by making an effort to eliminate the bladder more often. Avoid waiting until the feeling strikes; know when you'll be near a bathroom and schedule trips accordingly. This will prevent the bladder from getting too full and resulting in an embarrassing or uncomfortable situation.

Consider a Pessary

Often, incontinence is related to weak pelvic floor muscles. A pessary, a plastic, soft device, supports those muscles. It is inserted into the vagina and may prevent incontinence from happening. You might find that leaks occur less, for instance.

Perform Kegel Exercises

To strengthen muscles in the vaginal area, kegel exercises can be key. Tense those muscles for a few seconds, and then release them. These exercises can be done throughout the day, and once the muscles are stronger, you may find that incontinence is less frequent.

Lose Weight

Weight loss is beneficial for many body systems, even incontinence. When you've got extra weight bearing down on the vaginal area as you sit, for instance, that can increase pressure. If you can manage to slim down through exercising and sensible food consumption, that pressure is relieved and incontinence could be over.

Even with this information, talking to a gynecologist or family doctor, such as at Western Branch Center for Women, about this is the best course of action. Depending on your situation, they might eventually recommend pelvic reconstructive surgery so that that area can function better and incontinence is permanentl eliminated. Ask about every possible choice so you can make positive decisions.
