How To Get Some Relief When Dealing With Severe Menstrual Cramps

Do you often deal with severe menstrual cramps? The cramps may be so painful that you often feel like you can't do much of anything because you're so uncomfortable for the first few days of your cycle. If you're tired of dealing with the pain and you'd like to find a way to prevent or even treat some of the discomfort, there are quite a few different things you can do.

Try to Avoid Consuming Caffeinated Beverages

Although you may like to drink a cup of coffee in the morning, it's something you'll probably want to avoid when you're on your period. The caffeinated beverages could make your cramps worse because caffeine has the ability to constrict the blood vessels. Not only should you avoid drinking coffee while on your period, but you should avoid all caffeinated beverages, including soda.

Use a Topical Pain Reliever on Your Stomach

If you don't have time to stay in bed with a heating pad on your stomach, consider applying a topical pain reliever to your stomach. Icy Hot is one of many topical ointments designed to treat pain and discomfort. It will start soothing the cramps from the minute you apply it to your stomach. In addition to using the topical cream, there are some brands that sell pain relieving patches designed specifically for women who want to treat the pain associated with their menstrual cycle.

Speak With Your Family Doctor

If the cramps are still a bit unbearable for you despite watching your caffeine consumption and using topical pain relievers to get relief from the pain, you may want to talk to your family doctor about the issue. There is a chance that you could have an underlying condition causing the painful cramps, such as endometriosis. Even if you don't have an underlying condition that is causing you to experience such severe cramps, your family doctor might be able to prescribe some sort of oral medication to treat the pain. The medication may be slightly stronger than what you'd be able to purchase off the shelves of your local pharmacy.

Some women struggle with severe cramps whenever they get their menstrual cycle.Try to avoid drinking caffeinated beverages while on your period, apply a topical pain reliever to the stomach, or even speak to your family doctor about the pain you're experiencing. There are plenty of different ways to get relief from the discomfort caused by menstrual cramps. 
