What To Do If Your Infant Won't Stop Crying

Having an infant can be trying at times, especially when your infant can't tell you what's wrong. If your infant is crying nonstop, it can be a very scary thing, and you may feel overwhelmed and stressed trying to get your infant to stop. Read on for what you can do to help your infant (and you).

Check For A Fever 

Check your infant for a fever using your hand. If your infant feels warm to your touch, check with a thermometer. If your infant has a fever, try to take off your child's clothing to get his temperature down. You can also give your infant a cool washcloth on the head to help cool him down or a cool bath to help get his temperature down. If the fever doesn't come down, get your infant to the pediatrician or the emergency room right away.

Feed And Change Your Infant

Check your infant's diaper to see if it is wet or full and change your infant as needed. Also, feed your baby a bottle. If your baby isn't hungry and doesn't have a wet or full diaper, your baby may have a stomachache. Help alleviate stomach pain by exercising your baby's legs or laying your baby on his stomach to relieve gas pain. Bicycling your infant's legs can help get things moving in the intestines if your child is constipated.

Help Your Child Sleep

If your child is overly tired, it could be causing your child to cry uncontrollably. Lay your infant in their crib and use a mobile, nightlight or some type of music to help your infant sleep. Read to your infant or sing to your infant to help get your infant to sleep. If none of these things are working, try to get your infant to sleep in the infant swing or bouncer instead, then move your baby to the crib. If your infant is old enough for cereal, try adding cereal to your baby's bottle to help him sleep and to give him a nice full belly.

Take Your Child To The Pediatrician

If your infant won't stop crying and is crying for three hours or more per day, it could be colic or even an allergy. Take your infant to the pediatrician for a checkup and for testing to rule out allergies or some other type of medical issue. When in doubt, take your infant to their physician for help.

If your infant is crying and you aren't sure what the problem may be, try the above first, then take your baby to your local pediatrician services for help.
