2 Benefits of Choosing a Cancer Center vs. Traditional Hospital

If you have been diagnosed with cancer, you may be wondering what you should do next. Cancer is a terrifying diagnosis, but there are hospitals that specialize in treating cancer patients. If you want to know what makes a cancer center better than a traditional hospital, check out these two major benefits.  

1. They Only Focus on Cancer

A regular hospital has to treat a myriad of conditions, ranging from chronic pain to an emergency accident. For this reason, they are great at treating a wide variety of conditions, but they may not have everything needed to treat each individual condition.

Naturally, a typical hospital can screen and diagnose you with cancer, and they may have the technology and tools for treating stage one or stage two of common cancers like breast cancer, prostate cancer, thyroid cancer, and melanoma. In fact, these cancers have an incredibly high survival rate. However, some forms of cancer are more aggressive and deadly, such as lung cancer and colorectal cancer. In addition, if your cancer has advanced to the later stages or even metastasized, a general hospital simply may not have the technology to treat you.

Since a cancer center only focuses on cancer, they are more likely to have more treatments, so you can see every option available. Plus, the physicians at these centers mainly focus on cancer, so they may have more time to learn new techniques, technologies, etc. when compared to a general doctor who must stay up to date on all medical conditions and tech.

2. Treatment Is Integrated

One problem with Western medicine is that it is often compartmentalized. You may have to see several doctors during the course of your treatment/diagnosis. Some doctors may not even know you or your health history well. This can create a disjointed treatment plan, especially if no one is communicating with each other.

At a cancer center, however, treatment is integrative. This means that you have an entire team that works with you and communicates with each other. This gives them the ability to better find connections that could help fight or prevent the cancer from growing.

Cancer is a serious condition that affects many people. While your local hospital may be the perfect place to get diagnosed, it may not be the right place for treatment. A cancer center's only focus is treating cancer. If you would like to know more, contact a cancer center in your area today.
