What Happens During A Hearing Test?

Hearing loss is a common issue for so many people. Many people suffer from some level of hearing loss without even realizing it. If you are curious about your hearing levels, you can have a hearing test performed. If you are curious about the process of a hearing test, the following information may be helpful:

What Is the First Step of a Hearing Test?

The first part of a hearing test is a consultation with an audiologist. At this appointment, you will talk about any symptoms of hearing loss you are experiencing. You should also mention any history of hearing loss in your family. If you have experienced any auditory processing issues, you should talk about those as well. This is a time to ask any questions you may have about hearing loss.

What Happens During a Hearing Test?

During a hearing test, the audiologist will have you sit in a room with hearing test equipment. There will be no sounds in the testing space. The audiologist will have you listen to sounds and varying volumes and tones to see how well you can detect them. The sounds consist of tones, noises, and words. If you cannot hear some or all of the testing sounds, the audiologist will record that information. This information will provide insight into any hearing issues you experience.

If you have problems hearing any of the testing sounds during your hearing test, the audiologist will consult with you about your treatment options.

What Treatment Options Are Available?

Once you complete the hearing test and learn your results, the next step is to choose a treatment option. The common treatment for hearing loss is a hearing aid. There are many hearing aids available that can work to improve your specific condition. You and your audiologist will test several different hearing aids to determine which type will work best not only for your condition but also for your lifestyle. Preference will be a large factor in choosing your hearing aids. There are hearing aids that are almost invisible that you may prefer. Other hearing aids have a unique molding that fits comfortably inside your ear. There is also an open-fit hearing aid option that tends to work best for those with severe hearing loss.

If you think you have hearing loss, schedule a hearing test right away. You may find that your life is drastically improved once you receive proper treatment.

For more information, contact a local business, like Accurate Hearing Technology Inc.
