Spectacles, Be Gone: LASIK And What To Expect

Are you tired of wearing glasses and contacts? Are you looking for a more permanent solution to your eyesight? For those who are eligible for the procedure, LASIK offers an innovative approach to remedying poor eyesight with patients seeing improvement. Read on for just a few things you can expect out of getting LASIK eye surgery. 

It's a Painless Procedure

Unlike other types of surgical procedures, LASIK offers a painless experience that is a breeze to recover from. This is a fantastic benefit of this procedure, especially for patients who suffer from anxiety regarding any type of surgery or medical treatment. Your doctor will first go over what the procedure looks like and how it is performed, answering any questions that you have so that you are completely clear as to what to expect. Numbing drops will be used on your eyes to inhibit any pain although you still may feel slight pressure during the procedure itself. Taking around a half hour to complete, this LASIK also carries the benefit of not requiring stitches which is good news for your healing process.

You Get Immediate Results

A truly innovative treatment for those who deal with vision problems, LASIK offers patients the ability to notice an improvement in eyesight in just a few hours. After another day or two of rest, you should notice your vision is completely corrected! For those who have dealt with vision problems their entire lives, this is truly a remarkable feeling. Some patients, though in a small minority, may experience several symptoms such as dry eyes or glare. If you notice any of these symptoms, let your health provider know as soon as possible for suggestions on how to move forward. 

What to Expect from Your Recovery

Following your procedure, your doctor may recommend you wear an eye shield for a brief time. This will ensure your eyes are protected from particles in the air as well as excessive light. Take it easy the next few days as well. Avoid putting pressure on your eyes and get plenty of rest. LASIK is a procedure that many patients do not need to have done more than once, making it extremely effective in terms of longevity and patient satisfaction. This means that once your LASIK treatment is done, you can say goodbye to eyewear that you've been hoping to get rid of for years! Enjoy your new look and revel in how amazing it feels to have corrected vision. If you notice any symptoms such as increased blurriness, speak to your doctor regarding additional treatment.

For more information on LASIK surgery, contact a professional near you.
